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Known Bugs

You may know that updating an app is not a quick process. The app has to be submitted to Apple, Apple will review it, usually within a week, and then the app can be downloaded again from the App Store.

Sometimes there are issues which take much konger to be fixed, or Apple finds some issues with the app which makes the review process take much longer.

Please visit this page to find a list with known bugs of the currently released version.


How to submit bug reports

If you encounter problems with iRedTouch, please send me all information which may be important for me to address this bug.

  • You can create screenshots of your iPhone or iPod Touch by holding down "Home" and "Sleep" buttons simultaneously for half a second. The screen will flash, and the screenshot appears in your Photo Album
  • If you have trouble with a specific remote or code, please send me the remote. This is easily done from the Editor page:
  • You can also switch on debug mode, then force the bug to happen. 
  1. Go to the settings page
  2. Scroll all down
  3. Switch on Debug Mode
  4. Quit iRedTouch - so I can see all debug logs from the beginning
  5. Start iRedTouch
  6. Try to reproduce the bug
  7. Go to Settings page again
  8. Tap "Send debug log by mail..."
  9. Send
  10. Switch off debug mode! Don't miss that, because iRedTouch will slow down and fill your device with log data.


Are your images of remotes of lousy quality,

... even when you are using high-res photos? This is a problem of iPhone's image handling. It can be circumvented, though. Please see this page for details.


Is your IRTrans LAN module not found by iRedTouch?

While the combination of iRedTouch and IRTrans LAN modules mostly work out-of-the-box, sometimes there is some configuration necessary. Please go to Troubleshooting the IRTrans LAN module.


Is your module no longer found (after update from 1.3)?

Try to switch off "Use static IP Address" down on the Settings page, then restart iRedTouch.

Or: Remove the module, quit, and then add the module again. Tap "Add Module..." on the settings page, choose which kind of module, then enter the IP address manually for IRTrans modules, or tap "Read Module Data..." for GC modules.


Can not set LED for modules?

Wow, what a stupid bug in V1.5. You have a module with, say, 3 LEDs, and you want to use LED 3 for transmission. This happens:

This happens when you have a module with LEDs to configure - and you have less modules than LEDs. Strange, isn't it?

I will fix that bug ASAP, but until then (Apple has to review ....) I have a workaround:

  1. Go to the Settings page
  2. Add module IRTrans
  3. Enter dummy name, but no IP for this module
  4. Add another dummy modules, up to the number of LEDs you want to address. For example, you have 6 LEDs on your single module, so you need to add 5 dummy modules to sum up to 6 modules overall. Stupid me!
  5. NEW: If you have an IRTrans LAN Controller, you need 3 more dummies to make the bug skip the entries for All, Internal and External.

Here are screenshots showing some steps:

Unfortunately iRedTouch will nevertheless look for the dummy modules and complains:

If you have set up all remotes and LEDs and don't want to change this anymore, you can remove the dummy modules, and the LED selection will hold:

CAVEAT: Don't change the LED at least not in this buggy version 1.5 without the dummy module workaround. It won't work.


Any other trouble with iRedTouch?

This page is still filling up with Tipps and Tricks. If you did'nt find your problem listed, please feel free to send me an email or register for an account and add a comment to this page (see below).