Release Notes

This is a chronological list of all public releases of TurboTool together with their features. On top you will find the actual version which is available for download.

At the bottom of this page you will find features which are due to be implemented. If you have further wishes, please let me know at

TurboTool - The Releases

Version 2.3 (May 04, 2004)

Version 2.2 (March 8, 2003)

Version 2.1.1 (November 1, 2002)

Version 2.1 (October 10, 2002)

Version 2.0 (August 28, 2002)

First version for Mac OS X!

Version 1.x (1999-2001)

First public version for Mac OS X Server, the predecessor of Mac OS X, also called Rhapsody!
TurboTool V 1.x is still available for Mac OS X Server 1.2., but it is not longer supported. Please see its packaged documentation for more information. Please send me a mail if you are interested in this f
Mac OS X Server 1.2 is not sold anymore by Apple and was replaced by Mac OS X. Don't confuse this with Mac OS X Server which is the up-to-date server OS from Apple.

Version 0.x (1993-1999)

First private versions for NeXTSTEP with a limited user base at GMD-Fokus.

TurboTool - The Future

The future is yours! If you support the development of TurboTool by purchasing a license, it is very likely that the listed features and more will be part of the next release! So make suggestions ( and buy your license online now!


Last update: May 04, 2004